When I arrived in Israel, in 2015 I was like every new Ole: obsessed with israelis. toi meet them, to talk to them, to work with them. The key for a successul integration was to become more israeli than a “real sabra”. It took me few years to understand than every single israeli is like me, and i was myself israeli, not more not less than a sabra. That’s the breauty and the strengh of Israel: a nation of immigrants. and when you land in Israeel you become Israeli. it’s a state of mind to think you are different because you have a different cultural background but you are a true israeli at the second the second you land in Ben Gurion.
Israelis and Olim do not have enough reason to cross paths in everyday life, even though each has much to learn from the other.
Yet the language barrier is hardly a problem with the majority of Israelis speaking perfect English.
I wanted to start this project to give voice to the fabulous people who make Israel what it is today: a colorful nation of multiple people and cultures. The strength and beauty comes from its multiculturalism and that’s what I want to offer you.
I hope that every Israeli will recognize the strengths and weaknesses of our country and listen to these Olim tell their Israel.